“So, when will you be leaving?” This is certainly our most frequently asked question! And it’s a question we always have in our own minds as well. Our favorite reply—and the simplest—is that we will leave as soon as we are fully funded! Excepting one course (Departure Readiness, which ideally is taken shortly before leaving for the field), our other training and requirements are mostly completed. If it were up to us, we’d hop on a plane next week and dive into language school!
After just seven months of seeking financial partnerships, here’s where we stand:

Over 20% of our total financial need is being met by just two churches, combining both giving from the general budget and partnerships with individuals at those churches. Praise God! With a busy spring and summer schedule coming up, we trust in a Mighty God to provide for His calling, and by His grace, we pray that one year from today we may find ourselves in Latin America, learning the language and culture, building the foundation of a lifelong ministry. Will you pray with us?
