Asa and I looked at each other, realizing we were thinking the same thing. “Is that really what God wants us to do? We don’t even know how to do that!” We asked the Executive Director for more information about the church plant and crisis
pregnancy center in the deserts of Northern Chile. We hadn’t even considered counseling, but when he mentioned it, we couldn’t ignore the familiar, gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit. Over the next two years and through many prayerful conversations, God made it clear that we are to go to Lima, Peru, to get the training we need to be effective ministers in church planting, family counseling, and motherhood ministries.
But what does this look like specifically? Here is an outline of what we hope our first term (4-5 years) will look like:
Asa will be immersed in learning Spanish (Suz is fluent since she grew up in Chile and Nicaragua)
Suz will volunteer at ABWE's flagship prenatal and counseling center, New Life Prenatal Center
The Bartos family will acclimate to Peruvian culture, and attend and serve in one of the local ABWE church plants
Asa and Suz will receive Biblical counseling training through a combination of online (Association of Certified Biblical Counselors) and on-site (Baptist Theological Seminary in Lima) education
We will explore opportunities in the region to partner with national church leadership in church planting and establishing a new pregnancy and family counseling center in a location where there is no such ministry available
As we begin our pre-field ministry, we trust that as God has called us to go, he is calling others to give and send. Still others are called to faithful prayer, undergirding this shared vision. He is leading, he is paving the way, and he will provide. He knows the name of each and every person who will partake in this specific calling; our job is simply to find out who they are.
Will you pray with us, that God would connect us to the right people and churches for mutual gospel partnership this year?
We are so excited and humbled that you’ve decided to follow along in our journey!

God will lead your path. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths" Proverbs 3:5-6 (Mike Kotyk from Hobby Lobby)
Muy contenta por ustedes! Very happy for you!😊
It’s happening!! 🤩🤩🤩